Project Title: Understanding Employee Attitudes Towards Organizational DEI Initiatives: A Self-Determination Perspective
Investigator: Tracy Kizer, Associate Professor, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, and Annette Hemphill, Executive Doctorate of Business Administration Candidate, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College
Introduction: I have been invited to participate in a study for the research project titled “Understanding Employee Attitudes Towards Organizational DEI Initiatives: A Self-Determination Perspective” conducted by the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College. I have received the invitation from Annette Hemphill who will facilitate the study.
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between employee’s need satisfaction and their attitudes towards organizational diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
Procedures: By choosing to participate, I agree to complete a research survey consisting of 89 questions including five demographic questions for a total of 94 responses. The completed surveys is expected to take approximately 15-20 minutes. All survey responses will be anonymous and kept confidential. My survey responses may be used anonymously in a generalized fashion for academic or practical publication of research insights.
Risks and Benefits: There are no anticipated risks associated with participating in this study.
Confidentiality: All information obtained from me during the study will be kept confidential. My identity will not be disclosed, and any data shared will only be used in an anonymized form. My responses will be collected using a third-party survey platform called Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a secure platform that complies with industry standards for data protection and my responses will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law. Qualtrics employs encryption and other security measures to protect the data collected during the study; my responses will be stored securely on the Qualtrics servers, which are protected against unauthorized access. Only the researchers involved in this study will have access to the data collected through Qualtrics and my responses will be reported in an aggregate form. Aggregated data provided by Qualtrics to the research team will be stored in a secure database accessible only to the research team and accessed by a password-protected computer.
Voluntary Participation: Participation is entirely voluntary. I understand that I am free to withdraw at any time without providing a reason. If I choose to withdraw, my data collected through Qualtrics will be deleted upon request.
Contact Information: If I have any questions or concerns about the study, I may contact Annette Hemphill at ahemphill@rollins.edu or I may contact the IRB Chair at Rollins College, Dr. John Houston, at jhouston@rollins.edu.
Consent: Click the button below to be taken to the survey page where you will accept or decline consent. If you decline consent, you will be exited from the survey. If you accept consent, the survey will begin.