The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. All responses are completely anonymous and confidential. I, as the researcher will not know individual respondents and neither will your employer. Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time without obligation.
Confidentiality Assurance
Your privacy is of utmost importance. The survey will collect demographic information but does not collect any personally identifiable information, and all data will be aggregated for analysis to ensure anonymity. The results will be used exclusively for academic research as part of my dissertation.
The next page will provide you with detailed information about anonymity and confidentiality. You will learn how your responses will be used and have the opportunity to consent to participation. Should you not want to participate, you may simply close your browser.
Thank you for your time, insights, and contribution to this important academic endeavor. Together, we can deepen the understanding of DEI initiatives and their role in shaping inclusive organizational cultures.
With gratitude,
Annette Hemphill